Daniel Ayubi recently graduated from the University of California, Los Angeles, where he majored in Human Biology and Society and minored in both Global Health and Evolutionary Medicine. He has been a member of UAEM’s UCLA chapter since 2020 and led the chapter in his last two years. He is extremely passionate about health advocacy and promoting health equity. Thus, he also helped lead UCLA’s chapter of Advocating Intersectional Medicine, which has the goal of creating a community of future health providers who are cognizant of the different identities that patients have and how they play into their health outcomes. He is currently working as the Operations Coordinator for UCLA’s David Geffen School of Medicine in the Grant Submissions Unit. Here, he identifies grant funding opportunities for researchers and helps them attain the funding. He hopes to use this insight on the grant funding process to urge researchers to increase transparency with their clinical trials in the future.


Tanni Sethi


Vanessa McKlennan