They Work For Us: Student Eyes on What Universities Hide

UAEM is excited to announce our Access to Medicines Week November 11-15, 2024

Get ready for Access to Medicines (A2M) Week 2024—our most powerful campaign yet! This year, we’re turning up the pressure with the theme Accountability, and it’s all about holding universities to their promises to promote equitable access to life-saving medicines, vaccines, and diagnostics.

Our campaign, They Work For Us: Student Eyes on What Universities Hide, puts the power in your hands to demand transparency and action. It’s time to show that students won’t back down until universities step up!

A2M Week is your chance to make waves globally and locally. With events ranging from film screenings and educational talks to action-packed collaborations with partner organizations, we’re taking over campuses and social media to raise awareness of the shocking inequalities in healthcare access. Together, we’ll bring the pressure to universities and ensure they’re part of the solution, not the problem.

Ready to make an impact? Download the branding guide now to access all the tools you need—slogans, hashtags, event ideas, and more! Let’s make this the biggest A2M Week ever and show the world that students won’t settle for anything less than equity for all.

Get the guide, get planning, and let’s hold them accountable! 🌍💥 #A2Mweek24 #TheyWorkForUs #StudentEyes


Position Available: UAEM North America Communications Fellow


Apply now to UAEM’s November Training Camp!