Khardjatou Marianne

Khardjatou Marianne is a student at McGill University, majoring in Anatomy and Cell Biology, and double minoring in Sociology and Social Studies of Medicine. She is deeply committed to all matters health equity, determinants of health, and well-being.

Driven by her passion for quality, universal access to healthcare and medicines, she joined UAEM in 2021, and became an active member through the Free the Vaccine Campaign. At McGill, she was part of the PPE/Donations Tracking Platform team, researching ethical implications in resource-sharing based platforms. Khardjatou Marianne joined the North American Coordinating Committee in 2023, and leads the McGill UAEM chapter’s Essential Medicines Access Committee - enforcing accountability for the university’s Global Access Licensing Principles.

She currently works as an undergraduate research student; analysing vector-borne infectious diseases and impacting health disparities in Afro-descendant populations, as a member of the Pan-Diaspora Project, with Dr. Mabel Carabali.


Alli Wiltshire


Ishika Seth