Magno Maciel Magalhães

Project Leader - CC Member - Brazil

Magno is a pharmacist (UFRJ) who holds a master’s degree in health surveillance (Fiocruz). He’s currently studying phytomedicine innovation, also at Fiocruz, and will apply soon to a PhD in translational research on drugs and medicines. He got to know UAEM ‘cause he’s friends with Beatriz Kaippert (from COMEX) for a long time and she told him all about the organization, making him realize that we can try to make medicines more accessible to the population. Despite never having troubles getting proper treatments, he knows that his reality is completely different from others, and his main goal at UAEM is trying to make this gap a bit smaller. Nowadays he’s Rio de Janeiro’s chapter leader, and also of one of UAEM Brazil’s national projects, about the role of universities in medicines’ access.


Patrícia do Nascimento Silva


Jhonathan Venegas